Hi all
I am running a 5+3 tournament. Hopefully I get a rating base out of it for my own usage.
all engines 1 cpu
ponder ON
no endgame databases
50 stratpossitions (100 games)
Round robin tournament 100 rounds
hardware 26 cores Intel i7 @3,2 GHz (3 machines, 0ne 12 core, one 8 core and one 6 core)
13 games at the same time
shredder gui
CRosstable http://www.clemens-keck.de/livegames/Die_Basis.html
EloStat rating http://www.clemens-keck.de/livegames/rating.dat
Statistics http://www.clemens-keck.de/livegames/programs.dat
updated frequently
regards, Clemens Keck