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 27th Amateur Series Division 7 (Final Standings)

Vorheriges Thema anzeigen Nächstes Thema anzeigen Nach unten 

Anzahl der Beiträge : 559
Anmeldedatum : 18.01.11

27th Amateur Series Division 7 (Final Standings) Empty
BeitragThema: 27th Amateur Series Division 7 (Final Standings)   27th Amateur Series Division 7 (Final Standings) Icon_minitimeDi Mai 10, 2011 12:14 am

27TH AMATEUR SERIES (Division 7)

Intel Q6600 Quad Core
128mb hash each
3-4-5 piece tablebases
Ponder off
HarrySchnapp.cgb book
40 moves in 32 minutes repeating (adapted for the CCRL)
All engines 32-bit 1CPU
2 cycles 30 rounds

Zitat :
The top engine will gain automatic promotion. The second top engine and perhaps others might play grading matches to determine which division they will play in for the next series. This will be the last series for Reger unless a new version gets released.

Final Standings

23.0 - Betsabe II 1.05
22.5 - KnockOut 0.7.1
22.5 - Myrddin 0.85 32-bit
19.0 - PLP 1661571
18.0 - Ice 0.1
17.5 - Bubble 1.5
16.5 - Slibo 0.5.1
15.0 - BSC 3.9
14.5 - Jabba 1.0
14.0 - MatMoi 7.15.0
14.0 - Protej 0.5.7
13.5 - Schola 1.1.0
10.5 - Monik 2.2.3
10.0 - GChess IV 0.20
9.0 - Reger 0.09
0.5 - ChessMind 0.82

The complete tournament pgn (zipped) can be downloaded here:
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 559
Anmeldedatum : 18.01.11

27th Amateur Series Division 7 (Final Standings) Empty
BeitragThema: Re: 27th Amateur Series Division 7 (Final Standings)   27th Amateur Series Division 7 (Final Standings) Icon_minitimeFr Jul 15, 2011 10:48 pm

Sorry - discovered I'd put the wrong file there - corrected now for anybody who still wants it.
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27th Amateur Series Division 7 (Final Standings)

Vorheriges Thema anzeigen Nächstes Thema anzeigen Nach oben 

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