Hi all,
our actual rating lists are online and can be found under the attached links.
40 / 20:
New games: 2072; 49 different engines
Total: 530.106
NEW Engines
290 Deep Onno 1.2.70 x64 1CPU: 2872 - 500 games (= Onno 1.1.1 x64)
GreKo 8.2 x64: 2527 - 238 games (good start with +28 to previous version)
4 Critter 1.2 x64 4CPU: 3243 - 1283 games (+1)
681 Glass 1.7 x64: 2579 - 700 games (+9)
760 Rodin 4.0: 2526 - 654 games (-11)
845 Pawny 0.22 x64: 2439 - 650 games (+13 and +36 to prev. version)
249 Equinox 0.97e x64 1CPU: 2893 - 650 games (-3 and +23 to prev. Version)
40 / 4:
Next update follows soon.
See here our new single-list:
We are now testing Houdini 1.5 x64 1CPU.
A big „Thank you“ to all testers as usual!!
40/20: http://www.husvankempen.de/nunn/rating.htm
Blitz: http://www.husvankempen.de/nunn/blitz.htm
40/120: http://www.husvankempen.de/nunn/rating120.htm
Tester: http://www.husvankempen.de/nunn/testers/testers.htm
Elo-comparison: http://www.husvankempen.de/nunn/Replay/ELOcomparison.htm
Games of the week: http://www.husvankempen.de/nunn/40_40%20Rating%20List/Coordination/gow.jpg
Werner Schuele