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 Strelka 2.0 B running for the IPON ...

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 43
Anmeldedatum : 17.01.11

Strelka 2.0 B running for the IPON ... Empty
BeitragThema: Strelka 2.0 B running for the IPON ...   Strelka 2.0 B running for the IPON ... Icon_minitimeMo Jan 24, 2011 11:43 am

... as usuall at

This one has to be explained a little more:
It seems that Strelka is not a Rybka-clone but much more a legal Fruit derivate (Source available, even if not mentioning the real source in the download)). I included the engine aprox. 2 years ago, but deleted it later because I wanted to post my list at some forums and was not allowed to do so with Strelka in it. In short: I was not secure enough about the whole thing. To be more decisive this time and a little bit as an apology to Jury Osipov I am catching up now (Better late than never!)

Do not expect miracles and do not compare it to close to other enigines in my list. It might have complet different opponents!


PS: Habe euch noch nicht so auf der "Pfanne" deswegen etwas später, sorry :-(
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Strelka 2.0 B running for the IPON ...

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