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 Deep Junior 13 x64 vs Komodo 4.0 x64 / level- and PB-test

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Gerhard Sonnabend

Gerhard Sonnabend

Anzahl der Beiträge : 123
Anmeldedatum : 17.01.11
Alter : 62
Ort : Stuttgart

Deep Junior 13 x64 vs Komodo 4.0 x64 / level- and PB-test Empty
BeitragThema: Deep Junior 13 x64 vs Komodo 4.0 x64 / level- and PB-test   Deep Junior 13 x64 vs Komodo 4.0 x64 / level- and PB-test Icon_minitimeDi Feb 07, 2012 1:28 am

Hi to all !

Level 3'+5" PB=O N
Deep Junior 13 - Komodo 4.0 x64 4.5-15.5 (+ 3 = 3 - 14) / moves Ø 76 / duplicates = 0
Level 3'+5" PB=O F F
Deep Junior 13 - Komodo 4.0 x64 3.0-17.0 (+ 1 = 4 - 15) / moves Ø 78 / duplicates = 0

Level 10'+5" PB=O N
Deep Junior 13 - Komodo 4.0 x64 00.0-00.0 (+ xx = xx - xx) / moves Ø xxx / duplicates = x
Level 10'+5" PB=O F F
Deep Junior 13 - Komodo 4.0 x64 3.0-17.0 (+ 1 = 4 - 15) / moves Ø 74 / duplicates = 0

Level 30'+5" PB=O N
Deep Junior 13 - Komodo 4.0 x64 6.5-13.5 (+ 4 = 5 - 11) / moves Ø 90 / duplicates = 0
Level 30'+5" PB=O F F
Deep Junior 13 - Komodo 4.0 x64 2.0-18.0 (+ 1 = 2 - 17) / moves Ø 81 / duplicates = 0

Level 90'+5" PB=O N
Deep Junior 13 - Komodo 4.0 x64 6.0-14.0 (+ 2 = 8 - 10) / moves Ø 103 / duplicates = 0
Level 90'+5" PB=O F F
Deep Junior 13 - Komodo 4.0 x64 00.0-00.0 (+ xx = xx - xx) / moves Ø xxx / duplicates = x

- 1 core each engine, x64 versions
- Intel i5-2400 @3.1 GHz
- Windows 7 Prof.
- Shredder-Classic-GUI
- "Etikette=off"
- 128MB HTs each
- max. 4 TBs/SBs/BBs
- 10 starting positions (1 move short only) = 20 games/match
- Komodo 4 x64 version "nosse"

Best wishes,
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Deep Junior 13 x64 vs Komodo 4.0 x64 / level- and PB-test

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