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 CCRL rating lists updated (10th March 2012)

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 559
Anmeldedatum : 18.01.11

CCRL rating lists updated (10th March 2012) Empty
BeitragThema: CCRL rating lists updated (10th March 2012)   CCRL rating lists updated (10th March 2012) Icon_minitimeSa März 10, 2012 11:30 am

The latest CCRL Rating Lists and Statistics are available for viewing from the following links: (40/40) (40/4) (FRC 40/4)

The links to the various rating lists can be found just beneath the default Best Versions list (as in this screenshot). Specific 32-bit rating lists are denoted as such to the right of the default list in each category. The default lists contain the 64-bit engines.

CCRL rating lists updated (10th March 2012) Ccrlselectionratinglist

All games are available for download by engine, by month or by ECO code, but you will need to remove the .live from the links if you wish to access these (for example ). The download databases by month or ECO code are only updated monthly, but the total games database in its entirety is always available.

Custom lists of engines can be selected for comparison.
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CCRL rating lists updated (10th March 2012)

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