Intel Q6600 Quad Core
128mb hash each
3-4-5 piece tablebases
Ponder off
ICCFMasters2011.cgb book (limited to depth 8 moves)
40 moves in 32 minutes repeating (adapted for the CCRL)
All engines 32-bit 1CPU
4 cycles 36 rounds
Final Standings
22.5 - AdroitChess 0.3 32-bit
21.0 - GChess IV 0.2.0
20.5 - Rhetoric 0.10d
20.5 - Dabbaba 5.00 32-bit
19.5 - MatMoi 7.15.0
18.0 - Monik 2.2.3 32-bit
16.5 - Jabba 13032012
16.0 - Warrior 1.0.3
14.0 - Micro-Max 4.8
11.5 - BeRoChess 1.00 32-bit
The complete tournament pgn (zipped) can be downloaded here: