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 CCRL 40/4 lists updated (9th March 2013)

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 559
Anmeldedatum : 18.01.11

CCRL 40/4 lists updated (9th March 2013) Empty
BeitragThema: CCRL 40/4 lists updated (9th March 2013)   CCRL 40/4 lists updated (9th March 2013) Icon_minitimeSa März 09, 2013 7:27 am

The latest CCRL Rating Lists and Statistics are available for viewing from the following links: (40/40) (40/4) (FRC 40/4)

Please note that the three lists are updated separately to each other. The 40/40 and 40/4 lists are updated once every two weeks and alternately to each other. The FRC list is updated when a new engine or engine version is being/has been tested.

The links to the various rating lists can be found just beneath the default Best Versions list (as in this screenshot). Specific 32-bit rating lists are denoted as such to the right of the default list in each category. The default lists contain the 64-bit engines.

CCRL 40/4 lists updated (9th March 2013) Ccrlselectionratinglist

Our 40 moves in 40 minutes repeating and 40 moves in 4 minutes repeating are both adjusted to the AMD64 X2 4600+ (2.4GHz).

Be aware that in the early stages of testing, an engine's rating can often fluctuate a lot.
It is strongly advised to look at the many other rating lists available in order to get a more accurate overall picture of an engine's rating relative to others.

The LOS (likelihood of superiority) stats to the right hand side of each rating list tell you the likelihood in percentage terms of each engine being superior to the engine directly below them.

All games are available for download by engine, by month or by ECO code. The download databases by month or ECO code are only updated monthly, but the total games database in its entirety is always available.
The current ELO ratings are saved in all game databases for those engines that have 200 games or more.

Clicking on an engine name will give details as to opponents played plus homepage links where applicable.

Custom lists of engines can be selected for comparison.

An openings report page lists the number of games played by ECO codes with draw percentage and White win percentage. Clicking on a column heading will sort the list by that column.

Games submitted for this update
Dabbaba 7.49 -> 652
EveAnn 1.70 -> 442
Gaviota 0.86 64-bit 2CPU -> 382
Djinn 0.979 64-bit -> 382
Octochess r4984 64-bit -> 351
Dirty 05Sep2012 64-bit -> 32
Glass 1.9 64-bit -> 32
Armageddon 2.308 -> 32
Philou 3.7 64-bit -> 32
Amy 0.8.7b DC -> 32
Marvin 1.3.0 -> 32
Small Potato 0.6.1 -> 32
Slow Chess Blitz WV2.1 -> 32
Alex 2.14a 64-bit -> 32
Der Bringer 1.9 -> 32
Dragon 4.6 -> 32
Bright 0.5c -> 32
Rotor 0.7a -> 32
Capture R01 -> 32
Ifrit m1.8 64-bit -> 32
Onno 1.2.70 64-bit 2CPU -> 32
Ruffian 2.1.0 -> 32
Murka 2 64-bit -> 32
Bobcat 3.25 64-bit -> 32
Booot 5.1.0 -> 32
Anaconda 2.0.1 -> 32
Jonny 4.00 2CPU -> 32
Purple Haze 2.1.0 -> 32
Deuterium 64-bit -> 32
Chronos 1.9.9 64-bit -> 32
JanWillem 1.13 -> 32
Hussar 0.4 -> 32
EXchess 6.50b 64-bit -> 32
Rodent 0.16 64-bit -> 32
Zappa Mexico II 64-bit 2CPU -> 32
Nemo 1.0.1b 64-bit -> 32
Crafty 23.4 64-bit -> 32
Soldat III 0.172 -> 32
GNU Chess 5.07.173b 64-bit -> 32
Arasan 15.1 64-bit -> 32
Amateur 2.82 -> 32
BamBam -> 32
Cheng3 1.07 64-bit -> 32
Thinker 5.4c Inert 64-bit -> 32
Horizon 4.4 -> 32
Protector 1.4.0 64-bit -> 32
SmarThink 1.20 64-bit -> 32
Amyan 1.72 -> 32
Alaric 707 -> 32
MinkoChess 1.2 64-bit -> 32
Delfi 5.4 -> 32
SSEChessII 2.05 DC -> 31
Heracles 0.6.16 -> 31
GarboChess 2.10 64-bit -> 31
Chess Tiger 2007.1 -> 31
Micro-Max 4.8 -> 31
BigLion 2.23x -> 31
Gaia 3.5 64-bit -> 31
Cilian 4.14 -> 31
Eeyore 1.52 64-bit -> 31
Gosu 0.16 -> 31
Sloppy 0.2.2 64-bit -> 31
Clueless V1.4 -> 31
BSC 3.9+ 64-bit 20Jan2012 -> 31
MadChess 1.0 -> 31
Loop 13.6 (Loop 2007) 64-bit 2CPU -> 31
Arion 1.7 -> 31
Quazar 0.4 64-bit -> 31
Rival 1.18 -> 31
IACH 0.56z -> 31
Faile 1.4.4 -> 30
Comet B50 -> 30
Warrior 1.0.3 -> 30
Smash 1.0.3 -> 29
Roce 0.0390 -> 29
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CCRL 40/4 lists updated (9th March 2013)

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