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 43rd Amateur Series Division 2 (Final Standings)

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 559
Anmeldedatum : 18.01.11

43rd Amateur Series Division 2 (Final Standings) Empty
BeitragThema: 43rd Amateur Series Division 2 (Final Standings)   43rd Amateur Series Division 2 (Final Standings) Icon_minitimeMi Okt 02, 2013 10:41 pm

43RD AMATEUR SERIES (Division 2)

Intel i5 Quad
256mb hash each where possible
3-4-5 piece tablebases
Ponder off
ChessOK2013-2.cgb book
40 moves in 25 minutes repeating (adapted for the CCRL)
4 cycles 44 rounds
All engines 64-bit 1CPU where available

Zitat :
The top engine will gain automatic promotion and the bottom engine will gain automatic relegation. Any other changes of division will be at my discretion and may not necessarily involve playoff matches.
This will be the final series that Frenzee is eligible for unless a new version is released.
Final Standings

31.0 - Booot 5.2.0 64-bit
25.5 - MinkoChess 1.3 64-bit
25.5 - Quazar 0.4 64-bit
23.0 - Toga II 3.0
23.0 - Murka 3.0 64-bit
21.5 - Scorpio 2.7.6 64-bit
21.5 - Dirty 20Apr2013 64-bit
21.0 - Nemo 1.0.1 64-bit
20.0 - Tornado 4.88 64-bit
19.0 - Texel 1.02 64-bit
18.0 - Frenzee 3.5.19 64-bit
15.0 - GNU Chess 5.50 64-bit

The complete tournament pgn (zipped) can be downloaded here:
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43rd Amateur Series Division 2 (Final Standings)

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