Intel Q8200 Quad
256mb hash each
3-4-5 piece tablebases
Ponder off
GBDC122013.cgb book
40 moves in 33 minutes repeating (adapted for the CCRL)
2 cycles 34 rounds
All engines 64-bit 1CPU (where available)
Final Standings
23.0 - Arminius 2014-01-18 64-bit
20.0 - Abrok 5.0
20.0 - Ares 1.005 64-bit
19.5 - Gaia 3.5 64-bit
19.5 - Waxman 2013
19.5 - Snitch 1.6.2 64-bit
19.0 - Betsabe II 1.47
18.0 - Post Modernist 1016
17.0 - Bagatur 1.3a 64-bit
16.5 - Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit
16.5 - Pedone 0.4 64-bit
16.0 - Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit
15.5 - Shallow r688 64-bit
15.0 - Tytan 9.32 64-bit
14.5 - Orion 0.2 64-bit
14.0 - Gibbon 2.60a 64-bit
11.5 - Matilde 2008 64-bit
11.0 - FireFly 2.7.0 64-bit
The complete tournament pgn (zipped) can be downloaded here: