Hi all,
our actual rating lists are online and can be found under the attached links.
40 / 20:
New games: 1578; 35 different engines
Total: 502.308
NEW Engines
546 Bobcat 20110414 x64 1CPU: 2652 - 650 games (+19 to prev. version)
287 Equinox 0.96y x64 1CPU: 2860 - 609 games (-3 and +8 to v. 0.95 here)
58 Protector 1.4.0 x64 4CPU: 3051 - 650 games (-3)
10 Stockfish 2.0.1 x64 4CPU: 3184 - 4039 games (-1)
45 Critter 1.0 x64 1CPU: 3087 - 848 games (+-0)
581 Bobcat 20110220 x64 1CPU: 2633 - 653 games (+8)
40 / 4:
New games: 4200
All games now: 808.391
New Engines
9 Stockfish 2.0.1 x64 4CPU: 3229 - 900 games (starts with +20 to v. 1.8)
341 Equinox 0.96y w32 1CPU: 2822 - 800 games (starts with +66 to v. 0.83)
Some Updates
181 Deep Junior 12.5 x64 1CPU: 2935 - 1700 games (-8)
228 Deep Junior 12.5 w32 1CPU: 2893 - 1300 games (-22)
486 Daydreamer 1.75 w32: 2700 - 1100 (-12 and 12 behind x64-version)
See here our new single-list:
A big „Thank you“ to all testers as usual!!
40/20: http://www.husvankempen.de/nunn/rating.htm
Blitz: http://www.husvankempen.de/nunn/blitz.htm
40/120: http://www.husvankempen.de/nunn/rating120.htm
Tester: http://www.husvankempen.de/nunn/testers/testers.htm
Elo-comparison: http://www.husvankempen.de/nunn/Replay/ELOcomparison.htm
Games of the week: http://www.husvankempen.de/nunn/40_40%20Rating%20List/Coordination/gow.jpg
Werner Schuele