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 CCRL 40/40, 40/4 and FRC lists updated (11th October 2014)

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 559
Anmeldedatum : 18.01.11

CCRL 40/40, 40/4 and FRC lists updated (11th October 2014) Empty
BeitragThema: CCRL 40/40, 40/4 and FRC lists updated (11th October 2014)   CCRL 40/40, 40/4 and FRC lists updated (11th October 2014) Icon_minitimeSa Okt 11, 2014 3:37 pm

The latest CCRL Rating Lists and Statistics are available for viewing from the following links: (40/40) (40/4) (FRC 40/4)

Please note that the three lists are often updated separately to each other. The FRC list is only updated when a new engine or engine version is being/has been tested.

40/40 testing this week that I'm aware of will include (with live broadcast port for TLCV noted where applicable)

Komodo 8 64-bit 4CPU Matches (continuing 16083)
Deep Fritz 14 64-bit 4CPU Gauntlet
Komodo 8 64-bit Gauntlet (continuing 16074)
Arasan 17.4 64-bit Gauntlet (continuing 16075)
Naum 4.6 64-bit Gauntlet (continuing 16076)
Crafty 24.1 64-bit Gauntlet (continuing16064)
Equinox 3.20 64-bit Gauntlet (continuing 16065)
Protector 1.7.0 64-bit Gauntlet (continuing 16066)
49th Amateur Division 4 Tournament (finishing midweek 16002)
49th Amateur Division 5 Tournament (continuing 16053)
49th Amateur Division 6 Tournament (starting midweek 16001)
The Sting Tournament (finishing midweek 16001)
Deep Fritz 14 64-bit 1CPU Gauntlet (starting midweek)
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CCRL 40/40, 40/4 and FRC lists updated (11th October 2014)

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